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Mr. Smith Teaches Ramrod Sucking

Gay Lessons

Mr. Smith had lived next door to Gerry and Adam for a couple of years now but lately he could tell that they weren’t getting along. Every other night all he could hear out of their apartment was yelling and screaming and then inevitably one of them would end up crying. Well one night when things were relatively quiet Mr. Smith decided to drop by their apartment just to make sure that everything was okay and they hadn’t killed each other! When he knocked on the door Gerry answered and let him inside with a pretend smile.

Mr. Smith sat down with the boys and finally got out of them why they were fighting so much. Gerry and Adam had no idea what they were doing in the bedroom and so neither of them came away from sex satisfied. Mr. Smith knew that this problem was easily resolved and he endeavored to train them both how to suck and fuck cock. At first Gerry and Adam were really nervous and not sure how to approach Mr. Smith as he stood there with his cock out but soon they both relaxed and learned how to suck a real dick!

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